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CNEE Delegation Visited ES Geothermics and Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources in France and Italy

Author: Date: 2020-06-28 15:19click: [ ]

Prof. Xu Tianfu and A.P. Feng Bo were invited to visit ES Geothermics company in France and Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG) of the National Research Council of Italy and exchange academic ideas from Sep.29th to Oct. 8th, 2019. During this visit, the delegation also investigated Soultz hot dry rock demonstration base, Rittershofen hot dry rock-hydrothermal utilization field site and Larderello geothermal power generation field site.

Through this visit, the delegation had a detailed understanding of the development and utilization for typical geothermal energy in Europe, exchanged the latest progress in the development of hot dry rock and enhanced geothermal systems, also sharing the latest developments in conventional and supercritical geothermal research and numerical simulation between France, Italy and China. Furthermore, the delegation discussed future cooperation plans with companies and research institutes between both countries.

Prof. Xu and A.P. Feng investageted Rittershoffen filed site

Prof. Xu and A.P. Feng visited CNR-IGG

Prof.Xu and A.P. Feng investigated in Larderello